Dark triad and political cynicism as intermediate variables in the relationship between news frames and increased suicides

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


University of Kerbala / College of Administration and Economics / Department of Accounting



The research focuses on the main reasons of the increasing rates for youth suicide.  The problem of the research underpins to identify the indirect effects of news frames in increasing the rates of suicide through the increasing of political cynicism and triad of darkness for youth which considers a supporting factors in suicide increasing and figure out the kind of the effect to the news frames on suicide; this research aims to find objective treatments for this problem and identify the negative effect of news frames in the increasing of political cynicism and the triad of darkness. The most important research findings are that the satellite stations and social media which owned by partisan sides are shaping the news negatively for certain quarters, therefore it has a destructive behavioral impact on the individual psychological; it is incumbent to be a psychological awareness for youth and developing a quick solution for the deteriorating situation.

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